Dear friends! We officially start to count days before the beginning of the MAKE HER OVER HUNT 1!
START: 09/25/11
FINISH: 10/25/11
Following on the success of Make Him Over, we hope Make Her Over will be a wonderful opportunity for designers of female couture to promote their creations and brands, and for fashion lovers to access leading edge high quality female and unisex fashion. Using the same symbolism that has become so successfully associated with Make Him Over, the astrological sign for Venus was chosen to symbolise Make Her Over, and to help identify those designers who are supportive of the MHO concept and its ability to bring designers and fashion buyers together. We invite all designers who would like to be part of this new initiative to make contact with DarthJay Miles.
Each hunt, as a tradition, we create a special advertising campaign with people who love the idea of MHO family hunts. This time we have two simple concepts for this campaign: Boys and Girls who like them. These are a variety of people who are willing to share their real stories with you! Each story is the unique destiny of a person who came into the World called Second Life. Each day before the hunt, we are going to post on our blog one AD and the story of one person and send it through our group. We chose people of absolutely different backgrounds for the campaign: members of our group, models, designers, officers, and other persons who support the idea of MHO family hunts! You can find these ADs only at the authorized stores of Make Her Over.
Please welcome, todays face of the Make Her Over is Kairi Aquila.
And here is her story: "I started within SL in early 2009 to have an escape and to meet new people, I had no intentions of running a business. However, many people were curious where they could find what my partner or I was wearing because we had started making things for ourselves and ::Mortality:: was born. I am now the co-designer and head of ::Mortality::, a mainly mens orientated clothing line which we also specializes in unique tattoos. From that spawned another venture, I became the co-owner/designer for a new label directed towards women called ::Death Lily:: which will be launched in the near future. When I am not working, or playing with my meeroos, I enjoy hanging out and talking with my closest friends. My real life is not much different than my SL... I have an associates in Business & am currently a Law major in college. I enjoy spending time with my close friends, my awesome boyfriend & partner (who I met originally in SL over 2 yrs ago) and my wonderful family. I am almost as tattooed and pierced in RL as I am in SL. I love to read, write, do some crafts and doodle a bit... I feel expression is very important in many forms, be it through my style in SL or RL".
(copy/past the link in your Local Chat, click on it and then click on JOIN button).
If you are a designer and would like to join Make Her Over Hunt 1, please fill up the first application and send it to DarthJay Miles.