Funny Lady Gaga inspired style : the hair is wrapped with can curlers.
The hair have an resizer script wich u can delete after you adjust it how u please.
This is an accesoir to the * Lady Like Gaga * outfit which you can find at The Summer Of Love Fair between JULY 18TH and AUGUST 8TH.
Colours avaible :Black, Blonde and Brown.
Avaible in slx and also in the mainstore.
The hair have an resizer script wich u can delete after you adjust it how u please.
This is an accesoir to the * Lady Like Gaga * outfit which you can find at The Summer Of Love Fair between JULY 18TH and AUGUST 8TH.
Colours avaible :Black, Blonde and Brown.
Avaible in slx and also in the mainstore.